easy project but there are errors in the written pattern beginning in round 8. none of the “clickable” links in the pdf were actually clickable. i finally found the youtube tutorial, but noticed viewing the comments was restricted unless i signed out of my account. the comments helped me discover the error in the written pattern & video. i also noticed, after many people pointing out the errors in both the pattern & video on youtube, the creator kept replying with variations of ‘i’ll redo the video soon/this year/etc.’ but these comments date back years. there are tips the creator gives in the video which are not a part of the written pattern at all (stitch count/patterns for certain rounds would be off). i am so disappointed i paid for a pattern which is incorrect, missing the stitch counts for each round, and pretty incomplete without being able to follow the video. i understand the process is forgiving overall, i just feel disappointed i was unable to get very far in the pattern i paid for without doing a bunch of research on how to fix its errors & having to follow the video.